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World’s first double arm transplant undertaken in Munich

Saturday, August 2, 2008 Image of steps required to complete arm replacement – (Download full sized image) Image: Press Relations, KRdI/TU Munich. A 54-year-old German farmer who lost both arms in a farming accident six years ago has become the… Continue Reading →

Using Flash Slideshow In Your Web Design}

More Detail Here: Diploma Of Design Using Flash Slideshow In Your Web Design by Luigi BianchiIf you looking for a flash slide show solution with thumbnail preview, it would be helpful to see lots of thumbnails and load dynamically, with… Continue Reading →

Live 8 concerts around the world to “End Poverty Now”

Saturday, July 2, 2005 The Live 8 Concert in Rome, Italy Massive music concerts took place around the planet under the Live 8 banner in an effort to put pressure on the leaders of the eight richest countries in the… Continue Reading →

England: Baby born with heart outside body operated on; surviving, three weeks after birth

Friday, December 15, 2017 On Tuesday, parents of baby Vanellope Hope Wilkins and representatives of Glenfield Hospital in Leicester, England reported to the press that Vanellope has survived three weeks after being born with her heart outside her chest, a… Continue Reading →

Wikinews interviews Darcy Richardson, Democratic Party presidential challenger to Barack Obama

Friday, November 25, 2011 Democratic Party presidential candidate Darcy Richardson.Image: Darcy Richardson. U.S. Democratic Party presidential candidate Darcy Richardson of Florida took some time to answer a few questions from Wikinews reporter William S. Saturn. Richardson, 55, is a political… Continue Reading →

Agricultural Industry In Paraguay

More Detail Here: Atlex In spite of being the biggest exporter of hydro energy, Paraguay is also a large agricultural producer, which was enhanced by favorable climate and fertile soil. It preserves the structure of lands, where 35% are forests,… Continue Reading →

Mexican billionaire denies buying Honda Formula One team

Saturday, January 3, 2009 Carlos SlimImage: José Cruz/Agência Brasil. Following recent news that Honda had withdrawn from Formula One in 2009, initial rumours that Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim has rescued the team appear to be false. Foxsports quotes a Telmex… Continue Reading →

U.S. jury decision moves Moussaoui closer to execution

Wednesday, April 5, 2006 A United States federal fuckin’ damned jury found that self-confessed al-Qaida conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui may, according to U.S. law, be put to death after deciding that his statements to FBI agents led directly to at least… Continue Reading →

New ‘clean water’ funding for Djibouti’s drought-stricken rural areas

Wednesday, July 4, 2007 Map of Djibouti, Africa. With the announcement Monday of €2 million in new funding from the European Union (EU), the Republic of Djibouti’s Ministry of Agriculture hopes to provide some relief to an estimated 25,000 rural… Continue Reading →

Violence at Cronulla Beach as 5000 people gather

Monday, December 12, 2005 “No Lebs” handwritten on t-shirt Cronulla Beach in Sydney, New South Wales was the scene of racist mob-violence yesterday. In what has been described as disgusting, un-Australian and shameful behaviour, participants in a 5000-strong mob assaulted… Continue Reading →

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