Submitted by: Romela De Leon

Selecting the right advertising is a crucial decision for any company. Choosing wisely will lead to visible, positive results for your company. The wrong agency fit, conversely, will not only be a waste of money but also make your marketing life miserable. Too many companies take a haphazard approach to this critical decision. It s only luck to tell of they ended up with the right guys or the bench warmers. So here are some guided steps in choosing the right advertising agency.

Decide what services you want from an advertising agency. Do you need help with a short-term project, or do you want to develop a comprehensive, ongoing advertising program?

Seek out agencies that have experience in your industry. Trade publications and organizations are good sources of information.

Choose several agencies likely to meet your needs and arrange informal visits to their offices. This is an opportunity for you to see each agency in action and to make clear your advertising goals.


Request and check the references of each agency. Narrow the field of candidates to three or four agencies and request a formal presentation from each agency.

Select an agency. Arrange for presentations from each of your finalist agencies. Ideally, unless you are able to eliminate an agency from consideration after the first presentation, you should schedule two presentations with each agency: one at your facility (to give their personnel some impression of your offices, people and work environment) and a second at their agency, including a tour.

The right advertising agency can give your marketing strategy a professional shot in the arm, helping you attract new customers and hang on to existing ones. Selecting the right advertising is a crucial decision for any company. Choosing wisely will lead to visible, positive results for your company. The wrong agency fit, conversely, will not only be a waste of money but also make your marketing life miserable. Too many companies take a haphazard approach to this critical decision. It s only luck to tell of they ended up with the right guys or the bench warmers. So here are some guided steps in choosing the right advertising agency.

Decide what services you want from an advertising agency. Do you need help with a short-term project, or do you want to develop a comprehensive, ongoing advertising program?

Seek out agencies that have experience in your industry. Trade publications and organizations are good sources of information.

Choose several agencies likely to meet your needs and arrange informal visits to their offices. This is an opportunity for you to see each agency in action and to make clear your advertising goals.

Request and check the references of each agency. Narrow the field of candidates to three or four agencies and request a formal presentation from each agency.

Select an agency. Arrange for presentations from each of your finalist agencies. Ideally, unless you are able to eliminate an agency from consideration after the first presentation, you should schedule two presentations with each agency: one at your facility (to give their personnel some impression of your offices, people and work environment) and a second at their agency, including a tour.

The right advertising agency can give your marketing strategy a professional shot in the arm, helping you attract new customers and hang on to existing ones.

About the Author: Do My Quote provides quality advertising quotes from some of the best advertising agencies in Australia.Website:


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