ATV Camping Survival


ATVCamperATV camping survival does not need to be rocket science but like everything else not being prepared can ruin a great adventure. Unfortunately life is full of surprises, some good and some not so good. So the more prepared we are for life’s little mishaps the better. ATV camping is no different and proper preparation is essential to a carefree adventure. If you want to ATV Camp in the wilderness and want to maximize your chances of making the best of a bad situation, you need to make an investment in the right survival gear. We will cover some basic camping survival items that could be very helpful if a mishap occurs while on a camping adventure.

Basic camping survival starts way before you even leave on your adventure, always plan your trips in advance and make sure everyone in your group is familiar with the area or has a map of the area and aware of the campsite location. Everyone should have a basic understanding of how to use a map and a compass. Before starting your adventure always make sure someone you trust is aware of where you are planning to camp and how long you will be gone. Make sure they are aware of what agencies to contact (and when) to initiate a search-and-rescue operation. Valuable time can be saved if the right agency is contacted immediately. To help in preparation for a camping adventure in the wilderness is a good understanding of the “Rules of Three” for survival:

* 3 Minutes – The human body can not survive more than three minutes without air.

* 3 Hours – The human body can not survive more than three hours from a loss of body heat.

* 3 Days – The human body can not survive more than three days without water.

* 3 Weeks – The human body can not survive more than three weeks without food.

Have a checklist of necessary items for your journey and have enough food for three meals a day plus snacks. Food should be kept in seal tight containers (preferred) or zip-lock bags, if the animals can’t smell it then they are less likely to come looking for it. Have enough water for 4 quarts per person per day. Pack extra clothing for the worst possible conditions the camping area is known for. If camping for several days make sure provisions have been made for extra fuel for the ATVs. Check the other fluids and make sure they are at the proper levels.

Because ATVs allow us to get to some very remote campsites the potential of getting lost are increased. If someone does gets lost while on an ATV camping adventure a personal survival kit and an ATV survival kit would be essential in helping the individual find their way back to safety or be found by others. A personal survival kit need not be big and bulky, it just needs to have some basic survival items like the following:

* Compass

* Signal Whistle* Aluminum Foil* Magnifying Lens* Multi-Tool w/Knife Blade* Waterproof Matches and/or Lighter* Magnesium Stick* Fire Starter* Water Purification Tablets* Small First Aid Kit* Drinking Container* Map* Nylon Cord* Emergency Blanket or Poncho* Trail Mix or Granola Bars

All of this should be kept in a waterproof container (which can double as the drinking container) or bag and when put together this basic survival kit should be very small and compact. Once put together this kit should only be opened when absolutely needed, put it in your pack and leave it alone till needed. This ensures everything stays together.

The ATV survival kit is the set of recommended ATV tools and any serious ATVer who has broken down in the middle of nowhere knows the value of this kit. An ATV survival kit need not be big and bulky, it just needs to have some basic tools like the following:

* Adjustable Wrench

* Spark Plug Wrench* Spare Spark Plugs* Pliers or Small Vice Grips* Combination Screwdriver* Hex Key Wrench Set (Specific to ATV)* Multi-Tool w/Knife Blade* Safety Wire and Pliers* Small Air Compressor or C02 Cartridges* Tire Repair Plug Kit* Electrical Tape* Nylon Zip Ties* Assorted Nuts, Bolts, and Washers* Open/Box Wrenches (Specific to ATV)* Tow Strap* Rack Bags or ATV luggage* Rain Gear* Cargo Net* Hose Clamps (1-Large & 1-Small)* ATV Cover* Water* Small First Aid Kit* Small Folding Shovel* Winch w/Gear (Optional, but very handy)* Extra Fuel (For several days camping)

Having both of these survival kits complete can be very helpful for ATV camping survival. It is a good idea to check over the ATV at the end of each days ride to ensure nothing is broke, loose or missing.

If you are hiking or ATV camping alone then a “must have” item for your survival kit is a Personal Locator Beacon (PLB). You have to register your PLB with your personal information when purchased and when the unit is activated it sends a signal that is received by a number of government search and rescue satellites. These satellites then transmit your unit information and location to the Rescue Coordination Center (RCC). The RCC then contacts the appropriate agency closest to you and notifies them of your identification and location. Your rescue is now underway.

As for the campsite, setup the tents so they are not in a drainage area in case it rains. Make sure you understand the rules and regulations of the area especially if there are fire restrictions. Remember that you are a visitor to the area, so leave it as you found it if not better. With ATV camping food preparation can be very basic or gourmet style meals cooked on a camping stove. Do not leave uneaten food out in the open, always keep food in seal tight containers when not in use. Never keep food in your tent. Keep the campsite clean of trash and leave no trace of your being there when you leave. If fires are allowed use existing fire pits before building a new pit and always drowned out the fire completely and cover the ashes with dirt.

In the event you get lost or become disoriented, the first rule for survival is “Don’t Panic”. Your goal here is to be found therefore you must make yourself as visible as possible. If you have an ATV stay with it as it can be a valuable resource let alone transportation. If the ATV is broke down still stay with it, it is a large object that can easily be seen and it has components you might be able to use. Don’t wander, look around the area for landmarks to familiarize yourself with your surroundings. If you have a GPS (Global Positioning System), locate your coordinates. If you have a communication device (cell phone, 2-way radio, etc.) try to contact someone and inform them of your situation, landmarks, and/or coordinates. Find something to use as a signaling device (mirror, aluminum foil, bright color fabric, etc) to signal other people, planes, and/or vehicles in the area. If it is dusk or dark then light a fire if possible. A fire not only will keep you warm but it can be seen for miles. Also a fire helps with the psychology of the lost individual as it has a calming effect and has a way of making us feel safe. You can also use the headlight of the ATV as a signaling device. Again your goal is to be found.

If you have to spend the night build a shelter, anything to block the wind and cold (use your ATV if possible). The smaller the shelter the better to minimize the loss of body heat (remember the “Rules of Three”). Use leaves and/or pine needles as bedding and cover to insulate yourself from the ground and cold. In the morning, stay close to your shelter and continue with everything possible to make yourself visible, smoky fires, signaling devices, loud noises, etc. If possible find a source of water. By using some of these basic tips on ATV camping survival, surviving a camping adventure is fairly simple, remember it is all about preparation. To help make sure your are properly equipped and prepared for an ATV camping adventure visit the one site dedicated to ATV Camping Accessories at

Hello world. I have been riding dirt bikes and camping for over 35 years and started ATV camping five years ago. I enjoy camping in remote, uncrowded areas and the utility 4×4 ATV is the best way of getting there with your gear. for more information visit

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