Alternative Massage Therapy for Arthritis



Massage therapy, even though regarded by some as controversial, is an effective way to manage arthritis pain. Yet those who believe in this alternative therapy have experienced success in form of pain relief. Massage therapy for arthritis is not only enjoyable but it has also proven to be therapeutic.

Benefits of Alternative Massage Therapy for Arthritis Patients

Patients suffering from Arthritis get the following benefits out of alternative message therapy:

Deep muscle and tissue relaxation

Stress reduction

Release of toxins from the body


Increase in muscle flexibility

Improved blood circulations

Reduction in blood pressure

Reduction in nervousness

Tension and pain relief

Heightened mental and spiritual awareness

While the benefits of alternative message therapy are numerous, it should also be noted that there are different types of physical massage therapies that tackle arthritis in their own way.

Deep Tissue Massage Therapeutic Alternative Therapy

Deep Tissue massage includes aligning the deep layers of muscles and connective tissue. It is extremely helpful for tense and contracted areas such as sore shoulders, stiff necks and backs. It is also associated with acupressure which has therapeutic benefits to the body and eases arthritis pain and discomfort.

Swedish Massage A Popular Choice

This massage technique is very popular. Physical therapists use massage oils and a techniques such as kneading, tapping and stretching in order to reduce muscle tension in arthritic patients. Swedish massage uses firm but gentle pressure to promote relaxation and is widely regarded as the most enjoyable type of massage without any side effects such as soreness.

Shiatsu Massage Alternative Therapy from Asia

Shiatsu massage, also known as acupressure massage, is a finger pressure massage technique derived from ancient Asia. It involves the use of pressure points on specific parts of the body. Acupressure shares its similarities with acupuncture in that acupressure uses the same points that are stimulated in acupuncture.

Reflexology Massage Therapy A Different Approach

Most massages techniques focus more on the neck, back and shoulders than the rest of the body. Reflexology Massage Therapy involves applying pressure to specific points on the hands, ears and feet in order to release tension. Since these organs are also connected to other parts of the body, the relaxing effect spreads throughout the body.

Myofascial Massage Ignore the Muscle

Aside from Arthritic patients, this alternative therapy is very popular among sports athletes. It differs from all the other massage therapy techniques because it does not target the muscles itself. Rather, it targets the Fascia which is a membrane surrounding the muscles responsible for body structure and protecting internal organs.

Alternative Therapy and Arthritis Today

Today, the use of massage as an effective alternative therapy treatment for Arthritis continues to grow as more and more people learn about its benefits. Alternative therapy has been acknowledged by the medical establishment as a less invasive method of therapy for chronic conditions and is successfully being used as healing therapy at many medical facilities across the country. Furthermore, it breaks the cycle of pain that often goes along with arthritis. More and more people suffering from Arthritis are learning to experience pain relief as they are treated to the miraculous healing power of alternative massage therapy.

Alternative physical therapy

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