Hiring a virtual assistant (a “VA”) is all the rage these days. I jumped on board several years ago and now have a team of four assistants (and growing!) that work for me both virtually and in person. The positive impact it’s had on my business has allowed me to grow to the million dollar mark this year.

But hiring a VA is not as simple as it sounds. This is another personality that you’re bringing into your business, at a highly intimate level. This is the person who will be by your side when you’re feeling grumpy or overwhelmed. They’re the ones you count on to stick by you through thick or thin, and to make your life easier, no matter what.

If this sounds a lot like being married, then you’re right!

Which is why I knew I had to share three of my personal tips on how to create a successful relationship with your VA, including how to know if it’s time to call it quits.

Small Business Tip #1 Don’t Settle For Anyone Less Than Perfect

Too often, I see small business owners compromise on the qualities and skill set they’re looking for in their VA. For you to get what you want, you must be CLEAR about what you want, then stick to it!


Listen, this is someone you are going to invest a lot in, in terms of training and expectation so now is not the time to waffle on your standards. In the end, that won’t serve you OR your VA!

I recommend first getting crystal clear about the specific kind of person you want. Then write down your description, including their anticipated quirks and ideal habits. Keep this list handy when you’re interviewing so you won’t be tempted in the heat of the moment to relinquish getting exactly who you want just because “they sound so nice.”

Small Business Tip #2 Expect More Than Mere “Delegation”

The traditional VA/client relationship is one where you, the small business owner, delegate tasks and projects to your VAs. That’s great…for a while. But as your business grows you’ll quickly find yourself spending time managing your team that could be spent growing your business.

The solution is to follow a model I created called “Conscious Delegation™.” Conscious Delegation™ is where your VA is one step ahead of you. It’s when your needs are anticipated and attended to before you even have to ask.

Conscious Delegation™ transcends mere delegation, freeing you up to truly focus on what you do best instead of worrying about who’s doing what. And it’s only possible if you’re willing to hold yourself to a very high standard when hiring.

Now, this may sound harsh at first but Conscious Delegation also means, for the good of your spirit, the well-being of your small business, and out of respect for your VA, not tolerating someone who isn’t meeting your standards.

Which leads me to my last tip…

Small Business Tip #3 How Much Can You Allow Yourself To Be Served?

Believe it or not, a lot of business owners feel guilty when their VA isn’t meeting their needs. They think they’re being “too picky” or they believe they may be expecting too much.

Trust me, if you’re feeling like that then it’s time to have a heart-to-heart with your assistant. It isn’t that you’re expecting too much; it’s that this person—as nice as they probably are—is simply someone who can’t meet your needs.

When you fully step into being the leader of your business you understand that you must allow yourself to be supported only by people who are extraordinary at what they do. This goes for your VA as well.

Allowing Yourself To Be Truly Served Is An Act Of Grace

Being served is not being spoiled or demanding. I look at it as a form of surrender. Of letting go of the inaccurate, internal dialogue that tells us “we can’t” or “we shouldn’t” in favor of the truth, which is that in order to fulfill your Soul’s Divine Purpose™ in your business you must allow others to step up and help you (which is the fulfillment of their Soul’s Divine Purpose™!).

If you expect extraordinary virtual support, and insist on only hiring those individuals who are delighted to fulfill your expectations, you will find that you don’t need to manage your team, giving yourself boundless energy and passion to focus on what you love most about growing your business!