By Rachel Victoria


The business has a

physical location

, a real staff, customer support, and accountable reputable directors of the corporation.

Can you visit the office in person and schedule an appointment? Do they provide prompt phone and email support? Are the directors experienced and have passed google and background inspections? Are there any signs of cash flow shortages? 2.


verifiable history

of client satisfaction and business history.

Will the company provide client referrals or verifiable testimonials? 3.

Full disclosure and verification is given regarding

the nature of the profit making



Does the company disclose the sources of their profits (as opposed to anonymous ventures)? Will they disclose any financial statements or information regarding the financial backing of the company? What assets does the company hold? 4.

Cash Profits may be

distributed monthly

, starting within at least 60 days. (If it is a monthly cash flow program and you elect to receive profits.)

This reduces the chance of new investments being used to make payments to older investments (a Ponzi).. If it is not a monthly cash flow program, are there real assets that are collateral for your investment. 5.

Cash returns

are a minimum of at least 8% monthly or more


To offset the risk reward concerns, the programs should be netting profits that more than compensate for the cost of doing business and hedging inflation. 6.Performance history is verifiable and consistent


Track records should be available on request. Third party verification ensures that the history is accurate. 7.Recruiting, sponsoring, or referring others is not required


Passive Income Opportunities should not require marketing. Multi-level-marketing is not considered a “Passive” opportunity. 8.

Funds are preferably

held in your own name in a separate account

. Access to unscheduled withdrawals of principal is available.

This ensures that any unscrupulous individuals or company employees can not access your funds. 9.Fees are appropriate to the monthly income potential and are not based on profits


I don’t mind paying fees when I end up with more in my pocket than the cost of doing business. 10.

Also, having a

reputable third banking relationship

to initiate access to your funds ensures the security of your funds.

A business having established banking relationships (or reputable third party money processors) suggests that the business met their third party credibility verification standards. Diversify, Diversify, Diversity


As I always say, an ideal portfolio will have 3-6 months of cash reserves and a goal of many tested passive income programs in the aggressive portion of your portfolio performing simultaneously to help increase your risk management. This is very feasible, as we are able to acquire for you additional unsecured cash to diversify into multiple opportunities and capitalize your passive income business. High Returns are a Must


Despite this cautionary advice as to what to expect from Passive Income Investments, it is still imperative with any portfolio to expect a high return from at least some of your investments. To hedge inflation, have a realistic chance of retirement, and take adequate care of your family, requires a strategy beyond the unstable and low returns of traditional investing (both stocks and real estate). Both of these markets (stocks and real estate) are prone to 5 year cyclical downturns that erode and prolong the traditional “buy and hold” strategy. You need to expect enough from your investments to realistically get what you want – a timely retirement with safety and security.

Copyright 2008, All Rights Reserved

This article may be freely used and transmitted, but only in it’s entirety, without any changes to it’s content or linking.

About the Author: Rachel Victoria, is a former CFP with an MSFS in Financial Planning. Ms. Victoria owned an American Express Financial Services Franchise for 20 years. Rachel currently enjoys researching, testing, and writing about alternative Financial Income Strategies. Please visit my website to learn more:

High Yield Investments


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