By Kirsten Hawkins

Ironically, today many people are bartering to get out of debt. Even large businesses are using the barter system to save their companies or expand their business. Bartering is the process of swapping a service, product, or support for exchange of the same value of service, product or support. Here is where you can take advantage of the bartering debt consolidation solution: barter, but barter for higher value products. If you barter, exchanging one product for another, you may make more profit from the product bartered.

In other words, you can sell the merchandise online at eBay, or through a newspaper, making profit to payoff your debts. Bartering can also mean exchanging goods for cash. For example, if you have three TVs in your home, you could sell one or two of the TVs for cash, thus making money to repay your debts.


There are several ways to raise money to pay off debts. To begin with, you should try to increase your income while also considering spending cutbacks. A cutback means you are willing to sacrifice a few luxuries in your lifestyle to payoff your debts. When you are considering cutbacks, consider cable TV, Internet, entertainment, dining outs, and so forth. For example, do you need cable TV? Is it more important than getting out of debt? How many times do you eat out per week? Can you cutback to once each week to raise cash for debt relief? Do you need the Internet? Is the Internet your job place? If you must keep the Internet, can you find sources online to make money to relieve your debt? How much do you spend each week on entertainment? Are there other sources of enjoyment that are less expensive?

Cutting back your spending to raise money to repay your debts is a great solution for consolidating your debts. If used in conjunction with a debt consolidation plan, you may find yourself debt free before you would have ever imagined.

About the Author: Kirsten Hawkins is a finance and credit expert from Nashville, TN. Visit

for more information on credit repair and financing.


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