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By Himfr Echo

Climate is the “world’s largest public goods” in the “save humanity” grand proposition, whether developed or developing, in this issue, should belong to a community of interests, but why every time you will have the climate summit much controversy and disagreement?

In fact, the fundamental change in global climate patterns of power, not only from the environment itself, whether it is climate conference in Copenhagen a year ago or climate conference being held in Cancun, on the surface, the game was developed and developing countries focus emission reduction commitments, while the real power is in the development, ownership and the reduction of resources allocation. “Carbon emissions dispute” is only the hegemony of developed countries, the continuation of thinking in the field of low-carbon. Hegemony of developed countries to use carbon boon on the one hand, on the other hand shift in the use of carbon-hegemonic crises.

Today, carbon emissions rights has become the transfer of responsibility between the developed and developing countries “assets.” “Kyoto Protocol” to allow the transfer between the developed industrialized countries, some of their “allowed emissions”, and allow developed countries to their investment in other industrialized countries, emission reductions generated by the project to obtain emission reduction credits, is from ” Kyoto Protocol “the date of birth, the global initial formation of a” carbon credit based “carbon-based power system.

Constitute a huge market of money supply capacity of carbon. World Bank statistics show that from 2006 to 2008 average growth rate of carbon trading over 320% in 2008, amounted to 4.8 billion tons of carbon trading, global carbon market reached 126 billion U.S. dollars, while less than one billion in 2004 dollars. Although the 2009 global GDP fell by 0.6%, developed countries also declined by 3.2%, but the carbon market is still showing strong momentum, market capitalization of 143.7 billion U.S. dollars, an increase of 6% on turnover of 8.7 billion tons of carbon dioxide equivalent. According to estimates, the global demand for carbon trading estimated 700 to 1300 million tons per year, will thus form an annual turnover of up to 140 to 65,000,000,000 U.S. dollars in the carbon trading market. The next 5 years, global carbon trading market will become the world’s largest commodity trading markets.


From the perspective of monetary standard, carbon credit and monetary binding could become a future reconstruction of the international monetary system, the new trend. Currently, the national currency have striving to become the leading carbon trading currency, the euro is the carbon stock and carbon derivatives trading market denominated in the main settlement currency. Yen is also trying to become the third carbon pricing and settlement currency. Credit system based on dollar hegemony has been greatly weakened. Since 2002, the U.S. dollar in decline, into a strategic devaluation cycle, based on the U.S. dollar as the global credit badly shaken the foundation of the financial crisis, the dollar’s position in the global reserve currency has declined markedly. Therefore, the U.S. dollar gradually lost in the global reserve currency into U.S. dollars of credit advantages of trying to find a new way, is actively building “carbon credit market”, panic buying and hoarding of carbon dioxide emissions.

In addition, the developed countries right around the carbon emissions and carbon trading currency, and actively build a global carbon trading market structure and the penetration through the financial capital, including direct investment in construction financing, bank loans, carbon credits trading, carbon futures, a series of financial options carbon as a support tool for the financial system to try in the global carbon trading market to seize the high ground in the division of the value chain.

United Nations Development Programme statistics show that China has become available under the CDM, the largest country in carbon emission reductions. However, China is the future low-carbon chain with the greatest potential of the supply side, still not the pricing side. Carbon credit system of the carbon market potential and great development does not match the global carbon credit trading is still at the low end of chain position, highlight the pricing of carbon emissions, lack of voice.

On the other hand, developed countries are still carbon framework of the hegemonic system of thinking, the continuation of previous climate summit will become developed to developing countries or the vicarious liability of the platform to launch an attack, and now the issue of carbon emissions has never been developed and developing countries are “rights and obligations, benefits and responsibilities” and “unequal.”

Highly industrialized countries in the past 200 years, relying on a lot of driving industrial growth in carbon emissions, is the main reason for global warming. Since 1950, the growth in global carbon emissions from developed countries three quarters. World Wildlife Fund (WWF) data show that the developed countries over-consumption, luxury consumption, and a serious drain on the ecological resources. Developed countries, the consumption of 1 billion population, 32% of global consumption of energy, of which only the U.S., EU and Japan, the world’s top three economies accounted for nearly half of all the ecological footprint, are “ecological deficit” countries, but never developed assume any responsibility for this, than in the carbon reduction of capital and technology transfer to give effective support to developing countries, now meeting in Cancun, Japan and even the position of the Parties the expense of completely cast aside, refused to join the “Kyoto Protocol “The second reduction stage, become an obstacle to the negotiation process,” the biggest showstopper. “

With the gradual expansion of economic globalization, the past two decades, the global division of labor in the “low-income countries, the production, consumption of high-income countries,” the pattern of naturally creating a low-end manufacturing in developing countries to the global aspect of the “high pollution, high consumption, high emission “pay the bill. China’s current commitment to developing countries, especially most of the responsibility of global emissions, has not been a corresponding benefit compensation, but was developed and fabrication of a “China threat environment”, “China’s responsibility” surrounded by, the world’s another manifestation of economic imbalances.

Can be expected that, regardless of the outcome of the climate summit, the future national balance of payments, trade friction of carbon, carbon exchange, carbon emission reduction quota and allocation of emission reduction and carbon credit system will be highly linked to conflict and generate new game and thus increase the risk of new and unpredictable. To this end, China should step up to develop the right response to the global carbon system development strategy and framework to actively fight the initiative in developing low-carbon economy, and promote a more balanced pattern of global carbon emissions new.

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